Aardvark Book Club April picks with a complete list of all main pick books

 What Happened to Ruthy Ramirez by Claire Jimenez A likely Story by Leigh McMullian Abramson A Spinster’s Guide to Danger and Dukes by Manda Collins A Brief History of Living Forever by Jaroslav Kalfar Death of a Book Seller by Alice Slater For a complete list of all the books, click on the PDF Read more

Book of the Month (BOTM) selections for April with a complete list of main picks

For a complete list of all the main picks, please click on the PDF. For Data on BOTM, see below: Debuts Early Releases 146 44 Historical Fiction 63 Contemporary Fiction 68 Thriller 72 Romance 34 Fantasy 26 Sci-Fi 14 Literary Fiction 71 Memoir 22 Mystery 25 YA 15 Suspense 1 Short stories 7 History  5 Read more