Book of the Month (BOTM) Pick for July with complete list of Main selections

  • House of Glass by Sarah Pekkanen
  • Husbands & Lovers by Beatriz Williams
  • The God of the Woods by Liz Moore
  • The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer
  • A Thousand Time Before by Asha Thanki

For a complete list of books, click here.

For additional data:

Historical Fiction 74

Contemporary Fiction 78

Thriller 87

Romance 44

Fantasy 32

Sci-Fi 15

Literary Fiction 86

Memoir 25

Mystery 26

YA 17

Suspense 1

Short stories 8

History  5

Historical Romance 2

Horror 16

Narrative Non-fiction  5

Legal Thriller 10

Non-fiction 11

Essay 6

True Crime 5

Dystopian 3

Historical Fantasy 3

Magical Realism 5

Goth Fiction 4

Paranormal Fiction 1

Spy Thriller 1

Crime Fiction 1

Speculative Fiction  1

Debuts: 169 (30%)

Early Releases: 56 (9%)

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