Wow! I cannot believe that I started a blog 1.5 years ago! Since I started my blog, I have read about 285 books! I have really enjoyed sharing my reviews, making book lists, and discussing books.
For 2021, I am at 50 books for the year with a goal of 130-150 books. Fingers crossed that I stay on track.
I am currently reading 5 books at once. I read either physical or ebooks. I cannot focus with an audiobook. I do read the occassional graphic novel or book of poems. My main genres are rom-coms, mystery/thriller, YA realistic, historical fiction, women’s literature, classics, poetry, romance (for example- Katherine Center, Christina Lauren, etc.), literary fiction, non-fiction (history, memoirs, etc.). I will read outside of my comfort genres as well.
Another question that I get asked often is- How much time do you read? I normally dedicate about from 30 to 60 minutes a day. I read before bed to unwind. You can tell my stress levels that week by how many books that I am reading at one time!
I recently started to make bookmarks for my friends. But I have been having fun doing that. I have also been learning how to press “reading” t-shirts and bags lately too. I may post some of my creations on my blog.

A big shout out to my husband for all his help and support! His IT knowledge has helped me a lot.
I have some new features that I will be bringing to my blog for the future. I am going to bring back the “How-To” guides from last year. I also have a lot more lists that I am in the process of creating. Stay tuned….
I just started my Bookstagram:
Thank you for all stopping by my little blog! Happy reading, Book Nerds!