- Someone trying to talk to you at the end of a book
- Stickers on new books
- When someone tells you the ending of a story by accident
- A person tells you the movie was better
- When the ending is not good as the rest of the book
- When your Kindle battery is almost dead and you just sit down to read
- Movie book cover
- A hard to pronounce name of a character in a book
- Dog eared, folded pages, and ripped out pages
- When you get a library book and something is spilled on the pages or it is dirty
- Judging a book by its cover
- When you watch a movie, and they got it all wrong
- Editing errors
- You start a number 2 in a series without knowing it is a book within a series
- When people say they never read a book before or after the 7th grade. Then they are proud of it and dismiss me for reading.
- Books you read and love before they are popular. Other people read it and hate it. Then all of a sudden, it is wildly popular.
- Delayed release dates for a book you have been waiting for
- You want to read a book, but the library does not have it to check out
- You holds come in all in the same day
- People who borrow books and you never see them again. Or they come back to you damaged.
- When you have an unpopular opinion on a popular book or author
- Crumbs or sand on your book from the library
- When people write or highlight in a library book
- Some people like them and others hate them….. deckled pages
- Covers or summaries of the book that spoil the plot and/or ending
- Using fancy words for no reason
- Over the shoulder readers
- People who interrupt me constantly while reading a book
- People who judge the books that I read (Graphic novels, Rom-coms, etc.)
- People who judge me when I buy MORE books. Or they tell me that I do not need more books.
