September 2022 Celebrity Book Club Spoilers


Reeses hello sunshine pick…. thanks to my sister! She did see a sticker this morning!


Good morning America GMA pick for September is fortunes of jaded women


READ WITH JENNA’s pick. Sorry this is late. Someone had PM’ed me over lunch with it. I am just now posting it.

I do not do spoilers for BOTM (Book of the month). I only do the top three celebrity book clubs. I just see the stickers when the books come in OR if I get an ARC of the book with a sticker on it. I am pretty sure there are other groups and/or blogs that do those spoilers though. I was getting a few emails about BOTM spoilers.

As always, please be kind to those who do not want spoilers. If you do the chatroom for Reese’s book club, please be kind to those people who do not want it spoiled. I get a lot of people who email me about that.

I have been having comment issues. I use the app for this blog. I did not know that the comments cannot be accessed through the app anymore. Each time that I clicked, it said there were no new comments. When I logged into the computer with my profile, I noticed there were a ton of comments. I am sorry about that. Now that I know that I cannot access the comments through the app, I will be checking on a computer daily to view comments!

Thank you for your kindness.

29 thoughts on “September 2022 Celebrity Book Club Spoilers

  1. Do you mean September not august? It is something I would have done as well.

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Shoot! You are right. HA

  2. I’m guessing it isn’t the pick. The pick reveal event in RBC says it is a September 6 so it’s a September 6 release. Carrie Soto is released August 30 I believe?

    I’ve saved two books being released September 6 that meet the typical Reese criteria:
    1. “The Two Lives of Sara” – Catherine Adel West
    2. “The Marriage Portrait” – Maggie O’Farrell

    But …. That’s just guesses off of some September 6 releases I went through and nothing verified.

    1. Book Nerd says:

      These are great guesses! I actually was thinking the same two books. Great minds think alike! I have been waiting for a copy of those books to come in to see if they had a sticker. If anyone sees a sticker before me, feel free to post it on here. I will let you know as soon as I know.

        1. Book Nerd says:

          I am waiting on stickers. I have not seen or heard of one popping up yet. I think a shipment of books is coming at the end of this week. Fingers crossed.

        2. That’s a Book of the Month Club spoiler, not a celebrity book club spoiler.

          1. Book Nerd says:

            I do not post pictures with the sticker on it. I did see a sticker though on that book. Sorry for the confusion. I just take the pictures from the internet. My sister and I cannot get in trouble at our work for taking pictures of the stickers.

  3. Christine says:

    Reese’s book club sent out their “Book Shelf Life” email yesterday (Fri 8/20) and one of the books recommended is Carrie Soto Is Back—so guessing that if she is recommending it in August that it will probably not be her Sept pick?

    1. Book Nerd says:

      I did see that as well. I knew that she would not pick the same author again. I thought it was odd.

  4. Book Nerd says:

    I have been looking at that one. Waiting for the copy to get mailed to our location to see if it has a sticker on it.

    1. It’s the GMA pick I’ve seen the sticker.

      1. Book Nerd says:

        the GMA one is posted on here

  5. Interesting. ON THE ROOFTOP was Library Love Fest’s July Galley Club selection.

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Yea. It did come in today with a publishing date of September 6th 2022. I had an arc of this book. But never picked it up to read it.

  6. Margaret Wilkerson Sexton is an absolute genius writer (and an incredibly generous person) would love to see her get the Reese pick!

    1. Book Nerd says:

      I agree! I cannot wait to read her new book! The wait time for it at my library is incredibly long though.

  7. Jason Williams says:

    Read with Jenna is The Measure by Nikki Erlick

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Did you see a sticker?

    2. It was July’s pick.

  8. I saw the Read With Jenna Sticker on “Love From A to Z.”

    1. Book Nerd says:

      This book came out a few years ago. I did Google it and there is a the sticker though. It is also YA. Makes me wonder if this is why I did not see a sticker yet.

    2. Book Nerd says:

      This book came out a few years ago. I did Google it and there is a the sticker though. It is also YA. Makes me wonder if this is why I did not see a sticker yet.

      1. Probably. Even on the Goodreads site, under the author profile, it lists that book as the first teen novel ever picked by Jenna but speaking in past tense.

  9. This one has been spotted with a GMA sticker, in the BOTM Predictions group

    1. Book Nerd says:

      I have posted the GMA one already.

      1. I sent this message on Aug. 26, which was before you posted it.. I guess you don’t check the comments very often?

        1. Book Nerd says:

          No. I have not been checking these as often. My app quit sending me comments. I am sorry. I learned that I have to log into a computer to see messages yesterday.

  10. Someone mentioned The Two Lives of Sara as a possible choice. I saw copies of this book in Barnes & Noble today and it did not have any book club stickers, so I think we can now rule it out as a possibility.

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