17 thoughts on “Feb 2025 spoilers

  1. I feel pretty certain Junie is going to be a pick…

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Yea. Someone else told me to watch this book for stickers. Keep your eyes peeled

      1. Book Nerd says:

        It’s a book. There is a pic of it in this thread.

        1. FYI – I think some threads are missing/hidden. I don’t see anything from Michigan Librarian nor do I see a pic of Junie?

          1. Book Nerd says:

            Thats odd. Cause it is on my post. And it says approved for her comment

          2. Lisa Melillo says:


          3. Book Nerd says:

            Working on it now

  2. Michigan Librarian says:

    We just received a copy of Isola by Allegra Goodman with a Reese’s Book Club sticker.

  3. I don’t see the pic to which you refer on this thread, but it appears that Anon is correct about “Junie” by Erin Crosby Eckstine. There is a GMA sticker visible on the cover image of that title on one of the library book jobber sites that I use for purchasing.

  4. chelsea tomaszewski says:

    Rumors of This is a Love Story by Jessica Soffer is Jenna’s pick

    1. Book Nerd says:

      I will add this as a rumor to my page. But usually when I do this, people lose their minds.

  5. Robin Shapiro says:

    Yes, we just received our (public library) copy of This Is a Love Story, Jessica Soffer-the sticker is there:). I can provide a photo.

  6. Junie is GMA’s pick. I have a pic that shows that.

  7. Oprah’s Book Club is saying “and just like that January is over!” So she might surprise us with a Feb pick soon!

    As to some of us not seeing things on here; seems like if I go through the menu and choose Celebrity spoilers and click on current month I can access it all.

  8. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have just received all 3 books from my Cloud Library. The second they became available! I am grateful for your website! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Yay! You’re welcome!

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