Happy holidays! A thank you and update!

This year, my goal is to dive even deeper into the world of book reviews. I plan to include more spoilers (possibly adding more than the main 3) and even highlight a few celebrity-favorite reads! I enjoy offering spoilers every month. I couldn’t do it without your comments and support. Plus, I’m committed to keeping the content fresh with a weekly post schedule.

Thank you all for reading and supporting my little blog—it truly means the world to me. This past year has been one of growth and healing. My brother-in-law faced a tough battle with two rare forms of cancer (diagnosed in Mar), and I stepped in to help my twin sister and her household, including her 10-year-old son. Despite these challenges, I’ve found solace in reading and blogging. In August, I began weaning off my PTSD medication (started these meds in Sept 2022), and it’s been a journey of healing ever since.

On a lighter note, we welcomed Rocket, an adorable corgi puppy, into our family! Unfortunately, October brought its own challenges when my cat lost her foot in an Amish trap, but she’s healing like a champ. Through all the ups and downs, I’ve always found my way back to books and this blog. They’ve been my anchor, and I hope this year will be a bit calmer so I can fully immerse myself in reading, writing, and connecting with all of you.

It’s hard to believe I started this blog in 2019—it’s been five years of creativity, joy, and sharing my passion for books with you. As I look ahead, I’m considering a few changes, including improving the site’s layout and reducing ads to make your experience even better.

I also want to take a moment to thank you—yes, YOU—for your comments, your support, and for being part of this journey with me. I’m so grateful for this wonderful community of book lovers. Here’s to a fantastic year ahead full of great reads, exciting content, and more connections with all of you!

3 thoughts on “Happy holidays! A thank you and update!

  1. Arlene Embrey says:

    Happy 2025 to you! Thank you so much for keeping this blog going! It’s a highlight of the month trying to get the upper hand on putting books on hold and finding entertaining reads.

  2. Thank you. I love your sight and I am always a weighting your book recommendation. Have a wonderful new year.

    1. Book Nerd says:

      You too! Thanks. I am going to be adding more content. I love blogging and especially reading.

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