June 2024 Celebrity Book Clubs Spoilers

GMA’s pick for June 2024

THIS IS A POSSIBLE SELECTION FOR Reese’s. This is NOT confirmed. Could be one of these two. If u see a sticker

Someone in the comments saw the sticker for the unhoneymooners when she zoomed in.


45 thoughts on “June 2024 Celebrity Book Clubs Spoilers

  1. Do you mean June? Something I would do to.

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Sorry yes, I meant June lol

  2. Has anyone heard about any June book club picks?

  3. Baker & Taylor’s book cover image for “Malas” by Marcela Fuentes (pub date 6/4/24) shows a GMA sticker. Not sure how reliable that is?

    1. I also saw the GMA sticker on that book on my libraries site.

  4. Could Reese pick be The Unwedding? It’s out June 4th. She mentioned this book in the new Apple Books on the RBC app.

    1. Does she have a new book club app

      1. Book Nerd says:

        No. She moved it to texting and her website

    2. Book Nerd says:

      It isn’t on an app. She texts us now before any platform. Sign up for her texts

  5. On The RBC app there is a new article posted called Apple Books. It’s all about June being audiobook month. There is a picture of Reese with a phone and it is displaying the Unwedding. At the end of the article it states that the Unwedding is the perfect June listen. It doesn’t officially state that this is her June pic but it’s a little suspicious.

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Interesting. I may post this as a possible because 2nd person who said it.

  6. IgorDelRey says:

    Personally, I really hope The Unwedding is the Reese’s pick for the next month. I’m already listening to an advanced copy of the audiobook I got from NetGalley and I’m really enjoying it. There is no sticker on the cover of the audiobook…but I’d say it’s normal for an advanced copy?!

  7. Saw a Jenna sticker on Swift River.

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Interesting. I haven’t seen. But I will put this on as a possible alone with the unwedding

  8. Is it possible with one being a YA that Reese could be doing two picks? She did do that back in May 2020. And her ya picks were seasonal when she used to do ya picks.

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Not sure. She has done that before. She hasn’t picked a ya in a while

  9. There is a picture of Reese holding a phone with the audiobook for The Unwedding in the her Book Club app (under the Apple Books heading). If you zoom in you can see the sticker

  10. Gandhi Girl says:

    So… I was doing the math. Right now Reese has 95 book picks and the bookclub Instagram is posting about the 100th book pick to be announced in September. If that’s the case then there would need to be 2 book picks in one month to get to 100. (unless my math is wrong, which it very well could be….)

  11. Got a text, twelfth knight is the YA pick

  12. Brooke Moore says:

    twelfth Knight confirmed as YA summer pick

  13. Nurse Ivey says:

    So, both books are apparently (maybe) her picks. On her app, if you click on Twelfth Night and then click on Get Your Copy it will link you to The Unwedding.

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Yea, I am pretty sure it could be both of them. A ya and an adult

    1. Book Nerd says:

      This was an older pick of hers for November 2023.

    2. Amy Hutto says:

      That is the paperback version of a former book club pick.

    3. Book Nerd says:

      Yea that it a past pick.

  14. Reese did not send out a text, so I went to her Instagram – she announced her pick on there which is the UnWedding! (says also Apple partner with the audio book)
    kinda mixed up this month or What lol but ya for a YA summer pick for the YA!

  15. meant to say YAY for 2 picks* for June

  16. Wow – I literally gave up on Reese today and just got her text (she likely also announced on social media). Y’all are correct re : The Unwedding.

    Hmmm – I’ve already selected my books for the month so may wait to read what people say on Insta about it.

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Yea I saw the sticker a while back and then everyone’s comments was very clear that she was picking two

      1. I posted first about this, trying to help. why are my comments awaiting moderation??

        1. Book Nerd says:

          Not sure. I don’t have any pending comments. 😕 let me look again. I know that I had a ton of comments that told me what the book was but I approved them all

          1. Book Nerd says:

            I refreshed and it should show now

          2. OH. ok OOps, but it is clear now! YAY enjoy the Summer books.

          3. Book Nerd says:

            I don’t know why after I approve stuff, I have to refresh the screen. I was getting a lot of spam messages so now I gotta filter through. Thanks for ur comment btw

  17. Thanks so much for the heads up on Reese’s pick: The Unwedding! I was able to jump on a library wait list last night, ahead of the hoards.

    Also, Belletrist just announced The Friday Afternoon Club by Griffin Dunne.

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Thanks! I have a completed list of belletrist picks!

  18. Oops: correction: ahead of the hordes as in a crowd of people!!!!!!!! This blog is the best!!!!!!!

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Awe! Thanks. That is why I started this blog. I could never get the book at the library. A year wait as soon as she announced her books. But a huge shoutout to the comments section for giving me heads up on spotting stickers and what books for me to see if a sticker is on the final copy

      1. Oprah announced Familiaris by David Wroblewski!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited bc I have a copy of her 2008 pick The Story Of Edgar Sawtelle. This is I believe a continuation. I am in the middle of her May pick Long Island (loving it). My library has been a beat behind. And imagine when Oprah makes her selection, I am sure they are overwhelmed.

  19. Susieqlaw says:

    Jenna announced her July 2024 pick today.

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