Halloween is always a good time to break out my Poe tales! My favorite tale is “The Black Cat.” I used to be freaked out by that story! Happy reading, Book Nerds!

- Poetry
- O, Tempora! O, Mores! (Never published in Poe’s lifetime)
- Tamerlane
- Song
- Imitation
- A Dream
- The Lake
- Spirits of the Dead
- Evening Star
- Dreams
- Stanzas
- The Happiest Day
- To Margaret
- Alone
- To Isaac Lea
- To the River—–
- To——– (Begins “The bowers whereat, in dreams…”)
- To——– (Begins “Should my early life seem…”)
- Romance
- Fairy-Lane
- To science
- Al Aaraaf
- An Acrostic
- Elizabeth
- To Helen
- A Paean
- The Sleeper
- The City in the Sea
- The Valley of Unrest
- Israfel
- Enigma
- Fanny
- The Coliseum
- Serenade
- To One in Paradise
- Hymn
- To Elizabeth (Republished as “To F——s S. O——d” )
- May Queen Ode
- Spiritual Song
- Latin Hymn
- Bridal Ballad
- To Zanter
- The Haunted Palace
- Silence—A Sonnet
- Lines on Joe Locke
- The Conqueror Worm
- Lenore
- A Campaign Song
- Dream-Land
- Impromptu To Kate Carol
- To F——- (Republished as “To Frances”)
- Eulalie
- Epigram for Wall Street
- The Raven
- The Divine Right of Kings
- A Valentine
- Beloved Physician (Incomplete)
- Deep in Earth (Incomplete)
- To M. L. S———-1847
- Ulalume
- Lines on Ale
- To Marie Louise
- An Enigma
- To Helen
- A Dream Within a Dream
- Endorado
- For Annie
- To My Mothers
- Annabel Lee
- The Bells
- Metzengerstein
- The Duc de L’Omelette
- A Tale of Jerusalem
- Loss of Breath
- Bon-Bon
- MS. Found in a Bottle
- The Assignation
- Berenice
- Morella
- Lionizing
- The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall
- King Pest
- Shadow—A Parable
- Four Beasts in One—The Homo-Cameleopard
- Mystification
- Silence—A Fable
- Ligeia
- How to Write a Blackwood Article
- A Predicament
- The Devil in the Belfry
- The Man That Was Used Up
- The Fall of the House of Usher
- William Wilson
- The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion
- Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling
- The Business Man
- The Man of the Crowd
- The Murders in the Rue Morgue
- A Descent into the Maelstrom
- The Island of the Fay
- The Colloquy of Monos and Una
- Never Bed the Devil Your Head
- Eleonora
- Three Sundays in a Week
- The Oval Portrait
- The Masque of the Red Death
- The Landscape Garden
- The Mystery of Marie Roget
- The Pit and the Pendulum
- The Tell-Tale Heart
- The Gold Bug
- The Black Cat
- Diddling
- The Spectacles
- A Tale of the Ragged Mountains
- The Premature Burial
- Mesmeric Revelation
- The Oblong Box
- The Angel of the Off
- Thou Art the Man
- The Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esp.
- The Purloined Letter
- The Thousand and Second Tale of Scheherazade
- Some Words with a Mummy
- The Power of Words
- The Imp of the Perverse
- The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
- The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar
- The Sphinx
- The Cask of Amontillado
- The Domain of Arnheim
- Mellonta Tauta
- Hop-Frog
- Von Kempelen and His Discovery
- X-ing a Paragrab
- Landor’s Cottage