Blog comments

If someone chooses not to visit my website, that’s perfectly fine. However, please refrain from making inappropriate comments. Any comments I deem to be “phishing” will be rejected, and I personally approve all comments before they are published. If my blog isn’t for you, I kindly ask that you find another one to read, rather than disrupt the positive space I’m trying to create.

Moving forward, all comments from this individual will be rejected. I put a lot of effort into maintaining my happiness, and blogging and reading are a big part of that. Some people come here for the spoilers, while others enjoy my lists.

I will be posting much more in the future. In fact, I’ve set a goal to publish blog posts weekly, starting after my birthday getaway—which happens to be today!

For those who may feel disappointed with my blog, I apologize, but I hope you’ll continue to enjoy the content I share. I truly appreciate everyone’s comments, especially those related to books, spoilers, and all the exciting discussions we’ve had. Please continue to share your thoughts, and don’t let one person spoil the fun. I’m so grateful for my readers and commenters — your support means the world to me. Blogging has always been a dream of mine, and your engagement has only motivated me to blog even more frequently. Once again, thank you to everyone who’s made this journey enjoyable, helped me find those juicy spoilers, or simply talked books with me!

I’m excited to share that I’ll be posting more reviews, ARCs, spoilers, lists, how-tos, and more. My goal is to produce at least one post a week while also maintaining the site better. You will also see less advertisements on my site.

Earlier this year, I had to take a step back due to personal circumstances. In February, my brother-in-law of my identical twin was diagnosed with two rare cancers. With their 10-year-old son to care for, I needed to be there for my family as my BIL underwent multiple surgeries. Thankfully, we received the incredible news that the surgeries were a success just a few weeks ago.

In August, I also began to wean off my PTSD medication, and life changes have taught me strength, but they also meant stepping away from blogging for a while. This past week, I celebrated my birthday with a much-needed getaway, which made me realize how much better I’m feeling and how ready I am to dive back into blogging. I can’t wait to reconnect and continue this journey with all of you!

Once again, thanks to all my commenters, readers, and fellow Book Nerds. Thanks for making my journey special.


Book Nerd

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