October 2024 Book Club Spoilers

The official picks for October

Thank you to my readers for always pulling through. 🙂 I just love you all. Happy reading, Book Nerds! 🙂

REESE Book Club Pick

See previous posting about Oprah’s spoiler.

The YA pick for GMA is Heir (see comments); They will now be doing a YA and Adult pick (see comments that will direct you to Instagram)


ADULT GMA (Good Morning America) pick:


25 thoughts on “October 2024 Book Club Spoilers

  1. IgorDelRey says:

    Society of Lies for Reese’s book club? Really? 😦
    Well, that’s disappointing. To me. lol
    About 3 months ago I tried to read that book as an eARC I got from the publisher and NetGalley, and I unfortunately DNFed that book before I got to the 25% mark.
    This book is labeled as ‘adult fiction’, but it sure reads a LOT like young adult fiction.
    Well, I’m sure other readers will like it. 🙂

    1. Book Nerd says:

      I did not see the sticker personally. It was a comment that led me this direction. I have put a disclaimer on there until I know for sure. But several readers are reporting that this is what it is.

  2. Did I read a while ago that Paula Hawkins new book was the GMA pick for October? I can’t remember where I saw it.

    1. Book Nerd says:

      I thought I did too. I just can’t remember if I posted it or if I read it somewhere.

  3. The release date for the new Paula Hawkins currently says 10/29, so if it is a pick for one of the book clubs, I think it would likely be for November, right? I’m looking forward to it!

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Correct. I was told that they moved that date up. But…. you are right.

  4. I feel like The Fabled Earth by Kimberly Brock could be a Jenna or GMA pick.

    1. Book Nerd says:

      I really have not been watching out for this book. It does sounds like a plot of a book that they would select though.

  5. Hi, in reading through the comments it made me recall that I posted a few months ago about seeing the label on the cover of The Blue Hour by Paula Hawkins. It flashed up on a slide during a presentation by the publisher so it was definitely legitimate. They didn’t mention it and quickly changed slides. It appears the release date is October 8 so that should mean it is an October pick.

    1. Book Nerd says:

      I may put it as a possibility. Good eye!!!!!!

    2. Book Nerd says:

      What book club, kimberly? Read with jenna?

      1. Hi, I’m fairly certain it wasn’t the Reese pick so it was either GMA or Jenna. I’m not sure which one it was now. It would be in the comments section on the post where I responded but I just looked at some old posts and I can’t easily find my comment. Maybe you would have better luck. Sorry.

  6. Hey, I got my copy of Heir by Sabaa Tahir today and there is a GMA sticker but it also says young adult!

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Mmmmm have they picked a young adult book before? Well, I will post it!

      1. I was surprised because I’ve never seen a YA pick by them before. It’s the same logo with YOUNG ADULT on top of the book image

        1. Book Nerd says:

          Trust me that is what I said. But someone saw a sticker. I thought it was an odd pick

  7. IgorDelRey says:

    Well, according to the HarperCollins publishers website, THE BLUE HOUR is (still?)set to be released in the USA and Canada on October 29th.
    As for the UK release (through another publisher – Doubleday): October 10th, a Thursday, which is the national publication day over there.
    Also, Oct. 8th is the second Tuesday of the month. Don’t all Reese/GMA/Jenna picks are books already set to be released on the first Tuesday of the month?

    1. Book Nerd says:

      I would agree. That is what I found odd. So I wanted everyone to be aware of this as it may be a pick for next month

    2. IgorDelRey says:

      Also…only a few days ago I saw a reels on Paula Hawkins instagram on which she did an unboxing of the American edition of her new book, and she also said she was flying to America by the end of the month in order to go on tour with her new book “between the end of October and the beginning of November” – her own words.

  8. I see the GMA young adult icon on the Sabaa Tahir novel on Apple Books. GMA also tagged Sabaa on an IG teaser.

    1. Book Nerd says:

      Ohhhhhhhhh! News to me! Thanks for this info

  9. My library just received copies of these with the stickers on the cover:
    GMA Adult – A Song to Drown Rivers by Ann Liang
    Read with Jenna – The Mighty Red by Louise Erdrich
    Thank you for hosting this blog – I’m so grateful that everyone helps out by posting their finds! Glad I can help out this month a little bit! 🙂

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