I added a few more recommendations. I also added movie adaptions and cleaned the check list up a bit! Additionally, I added when I last updated it on the bottom! I hope you enjoy! Happy Reading, Book Nerds!

I added a few more recommendations. I also added movie adaptions and cleaned the check list up a bit! Additionally, I added when I last updated it on the bottom! I hope you enjoy! Happy Reading, Book Nerds!
Just a quick Thank you for sharing Reese Witherspoon’s Book Club list! ~~gw
You’re welcome! I keep it up to date the day that she announces typically!
Just wondering if you would be able to keep this updated!?
It so great that it’s a printable copy! Most thx Nadine
Yes. I am going to do it right now. I was at work today. I wanted to do it on my lunch break, but got distracted! HA!
Could you update the PDF with 2021 and 2022 selections?
If you go to my site, the list is updated every month. I think you may be looking at an older post. Find my post from March 2022 for an updated one.