
I want to take a moment to say how much I appreciate everyone’s comments and help figuring out the book club picks. As we progress, it is harder and harder to spot stickers before they announce them. Everyone who comments, I appreciate your guesses and comments! Thank you all!

4 thoughts on “Shoutout

  1. I am glad you have a site for it! I have been coming here for Reese’s sneaky picks haha. It is fun to speculate and guess.. I look forward to her picks every month. This month was a surprise with not just 2 picks but it was in plain view in her app with a good eye spotted by a reader that I would never have found!!

  2. Thanks! Anything for July?

    1. Book Nerd says:

      I do have July picks. Sorry last week, I was on vacation. I will this afternoon tho

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