For a complete list of all Jenna’s books, click here!
Amanda Gorman’s poem and other works
When day comes we ask ourselves,where can we find light in this never-ending shade?The loss we carry,a sea we must wade.We’ve braved the belly of the beast,We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace,and the norms and notionsof what just isisn’t always just-ice.And yet the dawn is oursbefore we knew it.Somehow we do it.Somehow we’ve weathered Read more
Review of “The Push” by Ashley Audrain
I am rating this book a 2 star review. Unpopular opinion: I really did not enjoy this book. I hated the characters and plot of this book. I really had to force myself to finish it. This book follows three generations of dysfunctional motherhood. It follows unloving mothers who abuse their children. You have Blythe’s Read more
ID Book Club January book selection
Here is a list of all their book selections so far: “The Better Liar” by Tanen Jones “The Spider” by Barry Levine “Half Moon Bay” by Jonathan and Jesse Kellerman “Pretty Things” by Janelle Brown “The Holdout” by Graham Moore “Natalie Wood” by Suzanne Finstad “The Ghosts of Eden Park” by Karen Abbott “The Other Read more
Emma Watson’s Our Shared Shelf Jan/Feb Book Club selection
Review of “The Dating Game” by Sara Desai
What a cute read! I did enjoy this one and could not wait for that happy ending! Daisy is happy to be single. Liam is also happy to be single. Daisy hates Liam as he stood her up for her prom. Daisy’s family is constantly trying to arrange her marriage. Liam gets offered the family Read more
Review of “Force of Nature” by Jane Harper
I am rating this book a 4 star review. Five women who on a corporate hiking adventure and only 4 come out of the woods. The woman that is missing was working with Det. Falk to exposed the corporation on some illegal activities that would have everyone lose their jobs. Needless to say, everyone had Read more
Review of “A Torch Against The Night” by Sabaa Tahir (Ember in the Ashes: Book 2)
I did not like this book as much as the 1st one. But it was enjoyable. This is not my typical genre. I am rating this book a 3.5- 4 star review. I do not want to give too much away as this is the 2nd in the series. But basically Elias and Laia are Read more
Review of “brown girl dreaming” by Jacqueline Woodson
This book is written in verse and beautiful. This novel is really important for YA and adults to read alike. I am reviewing this book with a 4.5 star review. This is her memoir as a child growing up in South Carolina and Brooklyn as a young black girl in the 60s and 70s. She Read more
Currently reading: An Ember in the Ashes series by Sabaa Tahir
Book 1: An Ember in the Ashes Book 2: A Torch Against the Night Book 3: A Reaper at the Gates Book 4: A Sky Beyond the Storm Watch my blog for my reviews for each of them. As of 1/15/21, I finished book 1 and almost completed book 2. This is not my typical Read more
Bridgerton Series by Julia Quinn
Thanks to the Netflix series as well as Shonda Rhimes (Greys Anatomy as well as other notable shows), people are in love with this series. Here are the books in order as well as a link to a family tree. Book 1: The Duke and I Book 2: The Viscount Who Loved Me Book 3: Read more
Review of “The Survivors” by Jane Harper
I am giving this book a 5 star review! I really enjoyed everything from the characters, mystery, and setting of this book! The story centers around two things that happen in a small town in Tasmania. The one event happened a decade before during a storm where 2 people died trying to rescue the main Read more
Reese Witherspoon’s YA Book Club Selection for Jan 2021
A complete list of Reese’s book selections as a check sheet is listed below.
Review of “The Pull of the Stars” by
I am giving this book a 3 or a 3.5 star review. This book is about the influenza of 1918 in Ireland. The setting is at a “motherhouse;” mothers who are inflicted with the “gripe” go here. The story is told from the nurse’s perspective and takes place for about 3 days in that ward. Read more
ARC alert
Thanks to Netgalley for this beauty! I mean look at that cover. I fell in love with Christina Lauren with Unhoneymooners and Holidaze. She is becoming one of my favorite authors. I cannot wait to read this one! My review will be on Netgalley, Goodreads, here on my blog and social media. Happy reading, Book Read more
GMA (Good Morning America) Book Club pick for Jan 2021
Here is a list of all the books in a check list for anyone wanting to know.
Roxane Gay Book Club (The Audacious Book Club)
Here is all her books for 2021. If anyone is interested. The book club will up for one year. She is to announce later if this will continue. Jenna Wortham and Kimberly Drew, Black Futures (January) Torrey Peters, Detransition, Baby (February) Brandon Hobson, The Removed (March) Dantiel W. Moniz, Milk, Blood, Heat(April) Kaitlyn Greenridge, Libertie (May) Gabriela Read more
Belletrist (Emma Roberts) Book Club Selection Book Club
For a complete list of all of her books, click the PDF above.
Book Club of the Month Club(BOTM)
I subscribe to the Book of the Month Club. I just started in June 2020. But I love it. I signed up to get an early release of Riley Sager’s new book in June instead of waiting until July. That is a perk to the club is early releases. But they are physical books and Read more
ARCs approved over the last few months
I was approved on Edelweiss for: The Invisible Husband of Frick Island by Colleen Oakley Good Company by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney People We Meet On Vacation by Emily Henry Every Vow You Break by Peter Swanson One by One by Ruth Ware Netgalley Outlawed by Anna North One Two Three by Laurie Frankel The Address Read more
Reese Witherspoon’s January Book Club (Hello Sunshine) Selection
Here is a list of all of her book selections in a checksheet
Jenna Bush-Hager’s Today Show Book Pick for January
Here is a list of all Jenna’s selections so far. It is a check list.
Review of “The Light in Hidden Spaces” by Sharon Cameron
I am rating this book a 3.5 star rating. I felt like I have read this story already. Basically, I can sum up this book quickly. A girl hides 13 Jewish people in her house risking her and her sister’s lives for hiding them. This is a common theme for WW2 books. I liked the Read more
New Evie Dunmore book
This book will be released in September 2021.
Oprah’s 55 Books to read for 2021
Below is the direct link to all 55 of her most anticipated books for 2021.
Review of “In A Holidaze” by Christina Lauren
I am giving this book a 5 star review. WOW. I just loved this book! The characters were just fantastic. Enter, Maelyn, who is living with her parents, hates her job, and has no boyfriend in sight. Every year at Christmas, she spends it at a cabin in Utah with family friends and family. She Read more
Review of “The Wife Upstairs” by Rachel Hawkins
I am rating this book a 3 star review. This is a “can’t put down” type of thrilling novel, however, it was so unbelievable and eye rolling that I had to rate it a little lower. This is a very brief summary of this book: A young woman with a hidden past is a dog Read more
New Alex Michaelides Book
This book is so different it seems from his first book called “The Silent Patient.” I actually cannot wait for this novel.
My favorite books of the year
I was lucky enough to read 135 books in 2020. This will be my year total of books. I read 135 books and a total of 37,420 pages read. I read books from 22 countries and 30 US states (I am surprised on how many books are set in Texas, NYC, and London). All in Read more
Review of “An Ember in the Ashes” by Sabaa Tahir
I am rating this book a 4 star review. I rarely read fantasy books. But this book was actually very good. I am rating this book a 4 star review. This is a story about the Marital Empire. One girl is a spy in the empire. She is spying for the resistance in order to Read more