“Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body” by Roxane Gay

Roxane Gay is a fantastic writer. I devoured this book. I read it in the doctor’s office. Someone asked me about what I was reading. I stated to them that it was  a very raw and honest memoir. I highly recommend this book. I feel as though I should not give it a starred review Read more

“The Family Upstairs” by Lisa Jewell

I have no clue what I just read. What a strange novel, but also a page-turner. The multiple POVs and ton of characters were very confusing at times. But I think that was kind of the point. We were left in the dark about who the characters were so that at the end there was Read more

“Book Lovers” by Emily Henry

This book did not hit me like Emily Henry’s other books. But it was still a great novel. I really liked the Hallmark movie vibes to this book. You never really think about the person that the man leaves back in the city in those movies! After this book, I will be thinking about them. Read more

“Everything Is Ok” by Debbie Tung

This book is heavy but done so in a light-hearted way. It is hard to talk about depression, anxiety, and social anxiety with a little bit of humor and light-heartedness. After reading this book, I really had hope and joy. There were very dark times but it was also uplifting. It is hard to explain! Read more

August Book adaptions to TV/movies and other book news

Another month with another clean page for Book News! E. Lockhart’s books will be adapted for TV. The books will be We Are Liars, Family of Liars, and Again Again. This is NOT political…. Michelle Obama will have a new book called The Light We Carry. It is due out in November 2022. Bolu Babalola Read more

The Lies I Tell by Julie Clark

This book was very good. The writing was excellent. I really enjoyed her other novel “The Last Flight” as well.  I had a hard time putting this book down! It was a bit predictable though but still enjoyable. It was definitely a slow burn. This book has two perspectives: Kat and Meg (basically the cat Read more

Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak

I thought it was more of a thriller when I picked this book up. It crosses between horror and thriller/mystery. The scariest part of the book was the drawings. I had to read with a light on! But it was not a traditional horror, mystery, or thriller. It combined a lot of elements of all Read more

Book Journals ideas

Here are some ideas on what do journal about with each book! Character list and analysis Your rating and average ratings Settings (I keep a map and color them in where each book was set) Publisher Page numbers Titles Favorite quotes Themes Comparision to an adaption (TV/Movie) Steam rating (romance) Who you would like see Read more

Review of “The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston

What a unique plot. I do not usually read books like this. I am not a supernatural fan. I picked it up because it was more in-depth than just seeing ghosts. This book dealt with topics about family, grief, love, and moving forward. I really enjoyed reading it. I really liked the characters in the Read more