Review of “By The Book” by Jasmine Guillory (Book #2 in the Meant To Be series)

Rating: 3.5 to a 4 star rating Summary:  A modern re-telling of Beauty and the Beast. Part two of the “Meant to Be” series. Each book in the series is written by a different author and a new fairy tale. They are both stand-alone books. This book is about Isabelle who works at a publishing Read more

Review of “The Golden Couple” by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen

Rating: 4 stars Summary: A therapist, Avery, has her license taken away. She now practices as a consultant. She takes on the case of Marissa and Matthew. Marissa cheated on her spouse and would like Avery’s help to help her marriage. As Avery goes through her 10-step processes for her therapy, she starts to uncover Read more

Review of “The Unsinkable Greta James” by Jennifer E. Smith

Rating: 4.5 star review Summary: A famous musician, Greta, mother passes away. She is grieving in her own way. Greta and her father really have not bonded. He has always questioned her life choices. Greta and her mother were always close. Her mother always supported her musician lifestyle. Greta’s father and mother were supposed to Read more

March Book News (including book to movie adaptions)

I will update this all March long. Memoirs: Claire Foy (Facebook whistleblower) memoir: Deborah Birx (COVID-19 Task Force- former during Trump’s administration) is penning a book Outlander prequel series for Starz Notes for an Execution by Danya Kukafka will be adapted into a TV series Flatshare by Beth O’Leary will be on Paramount + Harold Read more

HOW TO: How to get a BOTM (Book of the Month) receipt Penguin Readers Rewards website

How to upload a receipt for your Rewards for Penguin Book Club if you bought it from BOTM (Book of the Month)? This is what I do… I either go to the app and take a screenshot from my phone. You will need to make sure that you are screenshotting the amount of money (even Read more

BOTM (Book of the Month Club) Complete checklist of Main picks (Updated 3/1/22)

Click above for the complete list of main picks only. Book Data: Historical Fiction 52 Contemporary Fiction 60 Thriller 59 Romance 29 Fantasy 21 Sci-Fi 13 Literary Fiction 64 Memoir 22 Mystery 23 YA 13 Suspense 1 Short stories 7 History  5 Historical Romance 1 Horror 12 Narrative Non-fiction  4 Legal Thriller 9 Non-fiction 11 Read more

Review of “Haven’t Met You Yet” by Sophie Cousens

Overall:  4 stars Summary: Laura goes to Jersey for work. She is going to investigate her parents’ love story in the exact locations where they met, proposed, etc. Her believing that every love story has a great meet-cute story starts off this novel. On her trip, she picks up the wrong bag at the airport. Read more

Review of “The House Across The Lake” by Riley Sager

Overall:  4.5 stars Summary: An actress’ husband drowns in the lake beside her cabin. She falls into drinking and decides to get out of the spotlight and stay at the cabin. She notices a rich couple and begins watching them from across the lake. After rescuing the neighbor in the lake, they start to become Read more

Book News and what Celebrities are reading (Updated throughout the month of Feb)

“Sex in the City” author Candace Bushnell signed a deal with a Sugar23! Other news: Jon Hamm and John Slattery will be starring in the movie Fletch. This is based off of the Gregory Mcdonald Books. Apple Tv is adapting Shining Girls starring Elizabeth Moss. The book is by Lauren Beukes. Mindy Kaling and Amazon Read more