I rated this book a 2.5 stars, which after reading the reviews of this book is an unpopular opinion of this novel. The story is basically about a marriage that is falling apart (due to a stupid reason IMO). Gavin (husband) begins to woo her back with a little help with a new book club. Read more
Finished my yearly goal
With one more month to spare, I finished my goal of 130 books for 2020. I wanted to aim for 150 books. Life happened though. I started a new job in September 2019, which reduced my reading time. Overall, this year was excellent though. I hit my goal, and am proud of myself for what Read more
My review for “Meg and Jo” by Virginia Kantra
Thanks for this ARC, Edelweiss, Berkley, and Virginia Kantra! I enjoyed this book a lot! I give this book a 4.5 star rating. This novel was delightful. This is a “feel good” novel about sisters with a little mix of love in between. It is loosely based on the novel “Little Women.” As the title Read more
December 2019 Reese Witherspoon pick
Book Nerd Definition Guide: Your guide to understand Book Nerd talk on social media
Book nerd definition guide: I am sure that I am missing some. But I tried to include a lot of the terms that people use on social media and reviews. When transitioning to social media, I found it hard to understand some of the terms. I had to Google some or ask others what terms Read more
How to Guide: Write a book review
How to write a review for a book: Share a summary of the book without giving away spoilers or too much detail. A lot of people read reviews BEFORE they read the novel. Try to avoid spending too much time on this, because people can read the summary of the book on Goodreads or Amazon. Read more
How to Guide: Goodreads friends
How to make more friends on Goodreads: Copy your link to your profile and paste it into social media book clubs/groups. To copy your link How to make more friends on Goodreads: Copy your link to your profile and paste it into social media book clubs/groups. To copy your link follow these instructions: ***I never Read more
How To Guide: Goodreads Giveaways
How to enter Goodreads Giveaways: *A note: You cannot enter a giveaway on the app. You can on your phone but you must use the browser. You can always use a computer as well. 1. Sign into your account on www.goodreads.com 2. Go to the top of the page and click on the arrow beside Read more
“Through the Decades” – A New challenge for 2020!
Every month, I am going to start “Reading Through the Decades.” I will be reading then discussing my overall feelings of the book. ** I will also talk about other books during that decade. Starting in January 2020 with 1900s through 2010 in December 2020. I am going to read only books that I have Read more
My Current Reads for this week
Here are my current reads. I have a long list of ARCS to read after these novels!
Book Mail Alert:”Meg and Jo” by Virginia Kantra
I got this ARC today! I have been waiting for this novel ever since I heard about it! It releases December 3, 2019. I will post my review after I have completed it! OMG I cannot wait! Here is the Goodreads summary of the novel! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45899334-meg-and-jo
YA vs. Adult Fiction
Everyone always asks me, “What is the difference between YA (Young Adult) and Adult books?” Well, the answer is not as easy as you may think it is. YA or Young Adult can be split into two categories Middle Grade Fiction and Young Adult Fiction. Adult books can be split into NA (New Adult) fiction Read more
My secret on reading more than one book at once
Everyone always asks me, “How do you read more than one book at once?” I can tell you that I “trained” my brain to read more than one at a time. I was an English major in college and needed to read a lot of books at once. After I graduated, I went back to Read more
“The Giver of Stars” by Jojo Moyes
Reese Witherspoon chose this book as her selection for November 2019. Here is my review of this novel. I rated this book 3 stars. “The Giver of Stars” by Jojo Moyes is a historical fiction novel about rural Kentucky in late 30s when a group of women were employed by a US government to deliver Read more
How to obtain, promote, and review ARCs
How to get ARCs: What are ARCs? They are called Advanced Readers’ Copy. It is a pre-released copy of a book in exchange for an honest review on social media, Goodreads, Amazon, etc. When you hear people talking about “book mail,” typically it is an ARC. Social Media (Instagram and Facebook) Follow Authors Follow Book Read more
Spice up your next Book Club meeting with these ideas
Spice up your book clubs with these ideas! Themes for your book club: Periods of time (Modern British Literature, World War 2 era, Roaring ‘20s. etc.) Travel (Around the World in 80 books, a book with the setting of each state, etc.) Author (Stephen King, Nicolas Sparks, Ray Bradbury, etc.) Series (Harry Potter, The Hunger Read more
Book Mail Alert: “American Dirt” by Jeanine Cummins
I got this arc today from Flatiron Books! It releases in January. I have attached the Goodreads summary to this blog post. I cannot wait to read this book! I am so thankful to have received this arc! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45046527-american-dirt?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=jhs2oLdQQ6&rank=1
“Let It Snow” by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle review
I would rate “Let It Snow” by John Green, Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle a 3. 5 Star book. It was a cute holiday read with a blizzard and a lot of teenage love/problems. This is the perfect book to curl up with when it’s cold outside. I read it in less than 2 days. The Read more
Graphic Novels vs. Comic Books
Graphic Novels vs. Comic Books As you can already tell, I read a lot of graphic novels. I do not, however, read comic books. When I show people the Graphic novel that I am reading, the normal reaction is “Why are you reading a comic book?” They are not the same thing at all. Graphic Read more
A Guide to Jenna Bush Hager’s Book Club
I am so excited to talk about another Celebrity Book Club! Jenna Bush Hager’s Book Club which is featured on “The Today Show” has become a phenomenon! She just started making selections back in March 2019. But it took off and became very popular! I have read some of her selections as well. I can Read more
A Guide to Reese Witherspoon’s ‘Hello Sunshine’ Book Club
Reese Witherspoon’s book selection for her book club is one of the highlights of my month. I wait to the last day of the month for that hint on Instagram of what she will be reading next! Then on the 1st of every month, I wait on ‘pins and needles’ to discover her next book! Read more
Book Mail Alert:”Remembrance” by Rita Woods
I received this ARC (Advanced Reader’s Copy) today from Macmillan Publishing and Forge Books. It is called “Remembrance ” by Rita Woods. Here is a link to Goodreads for this book. I am VERY excited to read this book! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45046609-remembrance?from_search=true&qid=VJivoblA8h&rank=4 It will be ready to publish on January 21, 2020. I will have my review Read more
“Pumpkin Heads” by Rainbow Rowell & Faith Erin Hicks review
I read “Pumpkin Heads” by Rainbow Rowell and Faith Erin Hicks. I love Rainbow Rowell books, so when I knew I was reading her graphic novel! I rated this book 4.5 stars. This book can literally be read by Young Adults or Adults. The artwork was wonderful. This was one of the best graphic novels Read more
Dystopian Novels: Suggestions and Common Themes
Suggested Dystopian books YA Suggestions “The Giver” by Lois Lowry “The Hunger Games” Series by Suzanne Collins “Divergent” Series by Veronica Roth “Uglies” series by Scott Westerfeld “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline “The Lunar Chronicles” series by Marissa Meyer “Life As We Knew It” series by Susan Beth Pfeffer “The House of the Scorpion” Read more
“In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote
I give Truman Capote a lot of credit. Truman Capote’s writing style is stellar. The characterization in the novel was overly descriptive. The scenes were vivid. The story played out like a fiction novel. He created a new genre of literature. His true crime novel “In Cold Blood” is a truly a classic. “In Cold Read more
“The Fall of the Marigolds” by Susan Meissner review
The following is my review for “The Fall of Marigolds” by Susan Meissner. I gave this book a 3.5 star rating. I went back and forth while reading this book with my review. I wanted to love the book, but there were little things that made this book lower in score for me. Although the Read more
“White Bird: A Wonder Story” by R.J. Palacio Review
My review is 5 Stars This is a “Spin off” from R.J. Palacio’s other novel titled “Wonder” and “Auggie & Me.” In “Auggie and Me,” the reader is introduced to Julian’s grandmother, Grandmère. She is the main character in this novel. You do not have to read the other two novels by R.J. Palacio. It Read more
Welcome Book Nerds!
Hello to all the fellow Book Nerds out there! Welcome to my blog! You can check out any of the books that I have read and reviewed at https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/21505634-kassy-macpherson Let me introduce my blog by telling you a little bit about myself! My name is Kassy, and I started my love of reading when I Read more