Review of “The Lie About the Truck: Survivor, reality TV, and the endless gaze” by Sallie Tisdale

This is a short review. Overall:  2.5-3 star review: I got this book thanks to a Goodreads giveaway! Summary: Survivor fans unite! This is a book all about the TV show Survivor. My thoughts: I was expecting more from this book. I am a HUGE Survivor fan. I did not know if she was bashing Read more

Review of “The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music” by Dave Grohl

Overall: 4.5 Stars Summary: Dave Grohl’s memoir walks you through his childhood, career, and personal life. He talks about him growing up, getting into music, influences, family life, etc. Foo Fighters and Nirvana… 2 of the greatest bands of all time!!!! My thoughts: I listened and read this book! I really enjoyed it. Dave’s memoir was Read more

Review of “Will” by Will Smith and Mark Manson

Overall: 4.5 Stars Summary: Will Smith’s memoir goes from childhood to present day. He talks about his family, growing up, his career, and marriages. The book has serious and funny stories throughout. It starts with his childhood, siblings, and parents. He then talks about his start in the music industry and his transition to TV/films. He Read more

Christmas Books

I made a list a week ago with ROM-COMs for Christmas. This list is books about Christmas that is not rom-coms. Some are dark…some are funny! But I hope you enjoy! Letter from Father Christmas by J.R.R. Tolkien Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens The Man Who Invented Christmas by Les Standiford The Usual Santas by Read more

BOTM (Book of the Month) Club- Complete list of Books

For a checklist of all the books for main picks: Main Pick Data Total Historical Fiction 49 Contemporary Fiction 58 Thriller 56 Romance 27 Fantasy 19 Sci-Fi 13 Literary Fiction 62 Memoir 22 Mystery 22 YA 13 Suspense 1 Short stories 6 History  5 Historical Romance 1 Horror 12 Narrative Non-fiction  4 Legal Thriller 9 Read more

Review of “The Johnstown Flood” by David McCullough

Overall: 4.5 star review Summary: This is a very detailed non-fiction novel about the Johnstown flood. It starts from the before, during, and after the flood there. It was one of the worst disasters in the USA’s history. This tragedy dives into the greed of people and how this tragedy could have been easily avoided. Read more